Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Research into chosen genre

Research into chosen genre
For our music video the genre we had chosen was alternative rock. The actor that we used for our music best suited this genre stereotype due to his physical appearance and the way that he acted. Alternative rock emerged in the 1980's by the independent music underground and became much more popular following into the 1990's and then was more widely known in 2000's era. Even in this modern era, although alternative rock is not nessaccarily a mainstream genre but still features big names performers such as the 'Artic Monkeys' and 'The Strokes' . These performcers have gained great success on attracted audinces towards the alretaive rock genre.


Example of an alternative rock music video:

By looking at the image it shows one of the 'Artic Monkeys' most popular videos and is very popular within the UK. Due to our genre not actually bieng mainstream comapreed to some other genres it is hard to find well knoiwn artists and songs assoiated with alternative rock.

The target audince for this type of genre is much more different comapred to mainsteam ones such as R&B and hip-hop etc. This is beacuse by looking at the stereotypical view of alternative rock listeners they are normally assiated with bieng quite 'hippy' and odd.

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