Sunday, 5 July 2015

The purpose of a music video

The purpose of a music video

There are different types of music video types depending on what the theme of the music it as who the music video is aimed towards. These include:

  Concept – concept videos are based around a certain idea.

  Narrative – The narrative will reflect the storyline – Most of the time with have some sort of link to the lyrics of the song.

  Performance – This is a performance of a particular artist in the video such as a rock band performing on a stage.

There are many purposes of creating music videos such as gaining more media attention to a particular song rather than just doing a song by itself. This is because it will reach out to a wider audience as the music video can be directly aimed to be targeted towards the stereotypical viewers of the song. One of the main purposes of actually creating a music video is to create more revenue for the producers of the song including the artists themselves as if they did just the song they would not generate the potential amount of profit they could with the music video. Also within the music video it has a purpose to boost artists careers such as been able to display other talents such as dance moves and will make them a more well-known individual thus making more money.

An example of a music video that was highly successful was Wiz Khalifa – See you again. This was because it was linked into a popular films starts death (Paul Walker) and received over 1 billion YouTube views.

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