This is a shot list of all the different varieties of shots that have been used in the particular section in the Britney spears music video we have been told to film. This help us understand what shots have been used to create effect and how they flow and go with the music. This will help us when filming our own music video as it gives us a way to plan out the different types of shots we will be using and how long they will last, so when it comes to actually videoing our own as we will create our own shot list so it will be easier as we will have a plan to follow for each different shot.
Close up
1 sec
Shows a student’s foot tapping the table
Medium Shot
2 sec
Britney tapping her pencil on her book
repeatedly whilst teacher is watching
Medium shot
1 sec
Camera focuses on clock – shows that the
students keep watching the clock as they want to leave
Close up
1 sec
Camera focuses on Britney’s facial expression
which shows she clearly wants to leave
Medium/close up
2 sec
Teacher staring at Britney
Close up
1 sec
Camera reverses back to Britney again which
shows her facial expression – bored
Close up
2 sec
Camera zooms in on the clock but even more
this time
Medium shot
2 sec
Camera is now focused on the bell which is
another sign Britney can’t wait to leave
Long shot/camera tilted up
2 sec
Camera place at the back of the classroom
showing the students quickly walk towards the door – also shows the teacher
making her look powerful
Medium shot
1 sec
Britney leaving the classroom
Medium shot
1 sec
Also showing Britney leaving the classroom
Long shot/high angle
1 sec
Students running out of the classroom
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