Tuesday 10 November 2015

Final magazine

This is the final magazine advert that i created. The idea was inspired by Incorporated everyone's ideas from the group as well as mine to produce this idea based on the original ideas we already had. 
The font on our magazine advert is effective as it links in with the theme of our music video, and challenged the genre of our music video as the picture reflects quite an Indie rock atmosphere. 

This image although not took from one of out shots, links really well with the atmosphere of the genre and is catching to the eye, This image therefore draws in our target audience as the picture makes the audience want to see more, and therefore is effective at advertising our music video. This image is also quite open ended so it gives the audience a sense of suspicion of what the music video will sound like and include,
I have also included key information on this advert such as the social media platforms that the music video is linked to as well as the available on iTunes logo. I have also included the record label the music video is signed to and the bar code the give it a professional edge. The font we had used on the previous magazine adverts were seen to be too big therefore we decreased the font size and changed it to a different font which gave the magazine advert more of a balanced look.

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