Friday 3 July 2015

Analysis of student music video 1 - Champagne

The genre of this student music video is a type of ballad due to the slowness if the song. The genre is shown through the generic conventions. For example, the shots of the artist playing the piano of which are in black and white are typical of music videos for ballads. This is seen in professional music videos of Sam Smith. Moreover, there are many close up shots of the artist which are conventions as a close up shows the characters expression and emotion on their face.
Target Audience
The target audience for this piece is difficult but from my point of view I would say it is aimed at people between 20 – 30. This is due to the high key lighting and use of effects which tells me that it is not aimed at anyone older than 30. In addition to this, it is clear that the video is selling marketing the artist as being attractive for women/men depending on their sexuality. The fact it is trying to sell the artist to women I think that it is aimed at young women as its showing the male of to be ‘sexy’.

Technical Codes
The technical codes used within the video are the uses of editing and the change between black and white shots for the artist. Also, the low-key lighting of the shots which show the party section. Editing is used very effectively within this video and most of the video is slow motion creating a different effect for the audience. In addition to this, the switch between the black and white shots and colour shots helps to separate the different sections which shows a contrast between the two. Although transitions could be used in order to ease between the two different looks but however at times the transitions were not very effective and jumped a little.

The main iconography within this video is that of a party. This is shown through the use of props and the equipment. For example, the balloons and the flashing lights are a convention of this. However, this iconography would usually be seen in a pop video which shows that they haven’t been considered thoroughly. The lighting that has been used within this are the usual low key and high key lighting but mainly high key lighting was used to create unease and make it uncomfortable for the audience.

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